Integrate fundamental analysis into your portfolio strategies.Elevate your back-testing to new levels with super-accurate Look-Inside-Bar logic.Portfolio Maestro now also supports the following advanced features of TradeStation: Visually stunning and highly customizable charts – Virtually every graphical and other element of their charts can be customized, allowing you to personalize your charts to perfection and maximize your perspective on the markets.Ease of use for simplified chart analysis – Extensive chart linking, annotating capabilities, transparency and data-forward design are just a few of the features that simplify chart analysis in TradeStation.Visualize market moves, potential breakouts and chart patterns in real time – Indicators, ShowMe™ studies, PaintBar™ studies, Activity Bars and Probability Maps enable you to analyze the market in ways that make the most sense to you.Comprehensive historical market data – You can chart, analyze and back-test historical market data, with up to 90+ years of daily data, up to 27+ years of intraday data and six months of tick data.Multiple-time-frame analysis – Combining multiple symbols and/or intervals on the same chart allows you to isolate market conditions that may directly affect your trading.You can also create or download custom indicators for nearly unlimited analysis capabilities. Indicators, indicators and more indicators – More than 150 indicators come standard with the TradeStation platform.Traditional to exotic chart types – From candlesticks to Renko bars, TradeStation has perfected over 10 different chart types so you can view the market from nearly every conceivable angle.

Serious traders choose TradeStation for its award-winning charting tools, depth of features and flexibility that helps traders adapt their analysis to ever-changing markets. Take your trading to the next level with professional-grade charting that puts advanced analysis capabilities at your fingertips.