While ( size(X)(2) ~= size(C)(2) ) % While dimensions of x different for X and C, Note X = Y. While ( size(X)(1) ~= size(C)(1) ) % While dimensions of x different for X and C, Note X = Y. This can be accomplished by adjusting the meshgrid. 1 I have 25 2D images (of equal size), each image represents one layer equally spaced. % Dimensions X and Y must be the same as C. % Setting X,Y dimensions, where X and Y has the same dimensions. % Converting image format and getting colormap

Subplot ( 1, 2, 2), imshow ( rgb_filter ), title('filtered') Subplot ( 1, 2, 1), imshow ( rgb_image ), title('unfiltered') Rgb_filter = imfilter(rgb_image, f, "symmetric" ) Prompt = 'Enter path to image to be processed: ' Pkg load image % Note that this needs to be commented out in MATLAB Insert path to image you want to analyse. Run the script via run 'script_2Dimage_to_3D.m' Save the script as 'script_2Dimage_to_3D.m' % This script transforms a 2D RGB image to a 3D image, where the Z axis is given by the RGB number. Since this hasn’t any real purpose, other than some fun scripting, I will leave it here (for now). The representation is however in black and white. Is it possible to export the result to a Wavefront object file? Yes, primarily due to the important checking that the axes are of similar dimensions/values. If output is not as expected, change image1 and image2.The big downside of the script, as well as with MATLAB/Octave in general, is the exportation to a suitable format.New 3D Image will have name ImageResults.jpg.Replace image1 file name with im1.jpg and image2 file name with im2.jpg Copy both images in same directory as Code.m.If object is far than distance can be increased. Each image is in grayscale and black color (or values equal 0 in data matrix after importing it) is the background that needs to be removed. For best effect it should be nearly equal to distance between your eyes. 1 I have 25 2D images (of equal size), each image represents one layer equally spaced. Now shift camera to right for a small distance.Put your camera on solid surface click Image.

If it is not working as expected, change sides of Red and Cyan Glass.